(1)Source: "Tenth amendment." W.Jake.2008/10/04.ToonDoo. http://www.toondoo.com/cartoon/382425
(2)Source: "Tenth Amendment to the United Sates Constitution." 12 October 2010. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution
Constitutional Connection:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."(2)
Explanation of Connection:
When The National Government tries to or believes they have all the power, the tenth amendment is there to put them in their place.The tenth amendment was done to avoid having somewhat like a monarchy (which is all power to one person). Even though some people agree with putting all power in someones hands, the United States doesn't allow this, because (many agree) that having limited power doesn't like spoil you or make you take advantage.
This cartoon clearly demonstrates the tenth amendment. Why? Or how? Well as you can see in the cartoon, a guy (that looks kind of like ex-President George W. Bush) is making fun of a state person. Saying that he has all the power. False! Because in the United States Constitution, as the boy explains in the cartoon, states that he doesn't have ALL the power in his hands. It says that the powers that he doesn't have are given to the people or the states.
I think that the tenth amendment is a good amendment. Because I don't agree with giving all the power to someone, in other words, having a monarchy. People can disagree with me or what ever but having too much power may make them turn bad or be worse. By sharing power won't make them turn bad and/or won't leave them without power also. The tenth amendment is a keeper!
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